Soft tissue release targets a specific muscle and then moves it through its pain-free range of motion. It effectively releases areas that are more difficult to stretch on your own. It also specifically isolates muscles that would normally be stretched together in a group.
Medical Acupuncture
Fine solid needles are inserted into anatomically defined neurofunctional sites along the meridians. It is then stimulated with electrical current for the therapeutic purpose of modulating abnormal activity of the nervous system.
Functional Integrated Needling
Differs from medical acupuncture in that it does not use meridians. The needles are inserted into specific anatomic structures to promote blood flow; in turn decreasing muscle tension and pain.
It is a type of passive movement of a skeletal joint, using high-velocity-low- amplitude (HVLA) thrusting maneuvers. It reduces pressure in various joint cavities from the spine to ankles and knees. Joint manipulation increases range of motion in joints and restores function.